- at a performance
- на спектакле
Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. Кауль М.Р., Хидекель С.С. 2010.
Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. Кауль М.Р., Хидекель С.С. 2010.
Performance measurement — with a process is the complement to process execution. Based on measured performance, the feedback control loop may be closed. The metrics to assess performance is set according to a determined econometric model. The expected best result is… … Wikipedia
Performance-Kunst — Performance wird eine situationsbezogene, handlungsbetonte und vergängliche (ephemere) künstlerische Darbietung eines Performers oder einer Performancegruppe genannt. Die Kunstform hinterfragt die Trennbarkeit von Künstler und Werk sowie die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Performance-Künstler — Performance wird eine situationsbezogene, handlungsbetonte und vergängliche (ephemere) künstlerische Darbietung eines Performers oder einer Performancegruppe genannt. Die Kunstform hinterfragt die Trennbarkeit von Künstler und Werk sowie die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Performance (Kunst) — Performance wird eine situationsbezogene, handlungsbetonte und vergängliche (ephemere) künstlerische Darbietung eines Performers oder einer Performancegruppe genannt. Die Kunstform hinterfragt die Trennbarkeit von Künstler und Werk sowie die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Performance poetry — is poetry that is specifically composed for or during performance before an audience. During the 1980s, the term came into popular usage to describe poetry written or composed for performance rather than print distribution. Performance poetry is… … Wikipedia
PERFORMANCE (art et esthétique) — «Performance»: ce vocable – loin de désigner un quelconque exploit sportif – relève de ce qu’il est convenu de considérer comme du franglais ; directement issu du verbe to perform , «interpréter», il est attesté au début des années 1970 dans le… … Encyclopédie Universelle
performance — [ pɛrfɔrmɑ̃s ] n. f. • 1839; mot angl. , de l a. fr. parformance (XVIe), de parformer « accomplir, exécuter » 1 ♦ Résultat chiffré obtenu dans une compétition (par un cheval, un athlète). Les performances d un champion. Performance homologuée.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Performance management — is closely connected to Performance measurement. They are sometimes mistaken for each other. In careful usage, Performance Management is the larger domain and includes Performance Measurement as a component.Performance measurement is the process… … Wikipedia
Performance improvement — is the concept of measuring the output of a particular process or procedure, then modifying the process or procedure in order to increase the output, increase efficiency, or increase the effectiveness of the process or procedure. The concept of… … Wikipedia
Performance studies — has been growing as an academic specialty since the 1970s. Indeed, it has produced a wide variety of perspectives and it is now integrated into a number of social scientific disciplines (for example sociology, anthropology, linguistics),… … Wikipedia
performance — per·for·mance n 1: work done in employment unsatisfactory performance 2 a: what is required to be performed in fulfillment of a contract, promise, or obligation substituted a new performance in novation of the contract b: the fulfillment of a… … Law dictionary